The PR Trap: Why PR Isn’t Anything Like the Movies

When you think of PR, what pops into your mind? Let me guess–it’s probably someone glued to their phone, constantly spinning webs of stories to protect someone’s image when things have gone haywire. Or perhaps it’s the dusty “PR Girl” stereotype that this is just an industry full of people who throw extravagant parties.   


Spoiler alert: it’s nothing like they show in popular media! PR pros are experienced in telling meaningful stories, communicating clearly and authentically, and understanding the most powerful ways to get a brand’s story across in a rapidly evolving media landscape–and yes, we DO know how to plan media-worthy events, too (when it makes sense strategically, of course).  


So why the myths? PR is a nebulous practice that can impact many parts of your business, from brand development and event activations to developing innovative campaigns that can refresh, reframe, or revive your brand. It’s more important than ever for companies to own their own unique narrative and use powerful storytelling to connect with consumers as well as communicate their unique point of difference to audiences that matter.  

“Consumers are savvier than ever, and expect a brand to come to the table with clear, tangible values they can relate to and connect with. Your brand must act with purpose, driven by a mission, in an authentic way,” said Megan Shroy, Founder and President of Approach Marketing. “It’s crucial for brands to consider their impact on the world, but also to be strategic in how they share that story. PR serves up a holistic approach to telling your story in a way that moves people to trust you.”  


Still curious about what separates fact from fiction when it comes to PR? We’ve debunked a few common PR myths below to show that if you’re a brand, you should be investing in PR.  


Myth #1: PR Doesn’t Deliver ROI  

All clients have goals, some loftier than others, but one thing remains true: meeting (or exceeding) those objectives. As PR professionals, we want to help our clients hit those milestones, so we love to make achieving business goals a program ROI. Sure there are other metrics we track from audience reach and share of voice to key message delivery, some objectives are easier to quantify than others. But, at the end of our programs we love to be able to show our clients how their investment helped to deliver on their goals and successfully impacted their business. 


Myth #2: PR Only Makes Sense in a Crisis 

Think of PR as insurance, but for your company’s reputation: an always-on communications strategy not only builds goodwill with your audience but keeps you prepared in the event a crisis ever occurs. Investing a solid communications strategy and nurturing media relationships allows you to respond to issues with more agility. Your brand’s health is important to nurture year-round.  


Myth #3: PR is Just Media Outreach  

PR is dynamic: yes, we’re your media experts, but also your influencer consultants, your storytelling guides, your executive brand builders… you get the picture. It’s our job to think about fresh ways to position your brand in authentic, compelling ways. From identifying your brand persona and voice to crafting creative content strategies, PR has the ability to transform not just the way consumers perceive your business, but how you see it as well.  


Myth #4: In-house Resources Are Best  

An agency partner like Approach is a great way to support an in-house team with additional resources, economically. Our team, with their variety of skills and areas of expertise, allows your in-house team to focus on driving results for the business, overall, while we dial into specific strategies to support those goals. An outside perspective can also lend unique insights on your industry, competition, and the communications landscape, as well as tapping into innovative ways to tell your brand’s story based on current trends. 


Myth #5: B2B Doesn’t Need PR  

B2B can be a noisy, crowded space where brands can get easily lost. PR is one of the smartest ways to stand out, and can turn your brand into an industry expert via media and strategic partnerships and campaigns. Stories on the B2B side benefit from experienced storytellers who can navigate a jargon-heavy or highly-technical field to tell clear, accurate stories. Whether you want to focus on trade publications or focus on thought leadership, PR is a scrappy, strategic way to achieve those goals. 


Interested in learning more about how Approach could develop solutions for your PR needs? Let’s connect and see how we can collaborate.