Meet Our Team: Q&A with Jennifer Lefkowitz


What makes you great at your job?
I love working with people—getting to know them, their company and what they are trying to accomplish from both a business and marketing perspective. From there I like to dig deep, uncover hidden gems about the company or their employees and find ways to infuse creativity into their communication strategy.

How would you describe your ideal client relationship?
A relationship that includes open communication. Clients hire us to be their communications counsel and the best relationships stem from those where the clients are open to our strategic direction and guidance, and as their agency, we are equally receptive to their vision and feedback.   

What do you love about working with the consultants on the Approach team?
Even though I’ve chosen to work remotely as an independent public relations professional, I still crave the camaraderie and opportunity to collaborate with team members on projects. Everyone at Approach has dedicated many years working with different clients, companies and agencies. Together, we form a great network of seasoned public relations professionals who understand the importance of quality work, top-notch client service and the ever-changing world of public relations.

What is a word you would use to describe the Approach Marketing culture?
Smart! We’re also a group of creative and energized professionals. I’m very impressed with all the wonderful consultants I’ve had the opportunity to work with at Approach and I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to learn from them.  

How does the virtual agency model benefit your career and personal life?
Approach has provided me with the opportunity to collaborate with smart, creative and visionary independent public relations and marketing professionals from all over the country. We’ve chosen this path because we’re committed to making it on our own for greater ownership over our professional and personal lives. I think there’s something to be said for this type of determination and entrepreneurial spirit.

Where do you live and what do you love about your city?
I lived in Chicago for 12 years and it is an incredible city to live and work. We decided to move to Columbus, Ohio and raise our family in the same suburb where I grew up. The large number of people who move back here when it’s time to raise a family, is a true testament to the strength of our tight-knit community. 

When you are not working, where will we find you?
I love spending time and traveling with my family, repurposing old furniture, and sweating at hot yoga, Pilates or an Orange Theory class.

What accomplishment (career or personal) are you most proud of?
Personally, my best accomplishment are my kids. Professionally, I’m thrilled that I’ve been able to define my career on my own terms by becoming an independent public relations practitioner.  

What industry trend or technology are you excited about?
Given this digital age, we’re seeing more people go out on their own and start their own company. The ability to consult or hang your own shingle provides the opportunity to take your career in a different direction – one that is steeped in passion. Think about all the coworking spaces that have popped up in your city. They weren’t there 10 years ago. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well!  Our industry really lends itself to that and I see more and more of it happening, and I’m excited about that.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career in PR and marketing?
You’re going to make mistakes. Learn from them. Definitely find a niche you’re passionate about so you enjoy the work you do. And don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. This is where you’ll find opportunities!

My approach to life is...
Have fun. Just savor everything. Life’s too short so you’ve got to just enjoy every moment and take everything in. Figure out what’s important to you and what’s not, cut out the negative and embrace the positive.