Approach Marketing

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4 Ways Business Owners Can Create and Communicate Stability in Uncertain Times

We’re continuing to observe the evolving and unprecedented situation facing our nation and world. Now is an important time for business owners to proactively communicate with employees, customers and key stakeholders to inform them of changes to your business protocols, safety precautions your business is implementing and what they can expect in the coming weeks and months.  

While we are adapting to the rapidly changing news, there are ways to forge ahead based on what we do know at this time.

We recognize that every business is different and needs customized solutions, however here are some key considerations to deploy or implement in the coming days.

  1. Develop Internal and External Communications 
    If you haven’t already, now is the time to develop communications such as holding statements or emails to effectively and authentically convey safety precautions; business closings; changes to normal business activities; contingency plans for community events; or arranging virtual meetings/seminars/symposiums. We recommend ongoing proactive communication with your employees and the customers you serve given this constantly evolving situation.

  2. Successfully Adapt to a Virtual Business Model 
    Approach has been operating virtually for more than 10 years and here are some of our best practices. We can offer solutions to fit your unique business needs and help you navigate this process with your team.

  3. Bring Your Business to Your Customers  
    While this may not be an option for every business, it’s a good time to look at your current marketing strategy and make the necessary adjustments to continue to provide your services and expertise to your target audiences, when and where it makes sense. For instance, we can help provide virtual class or seminar instruction or offer suggestions for how to continue engagement with clients and members from home (e.g. encouraging gift card purchases, online ordering, or take-out).

  4. Encourage Community Involvement 
    In times of crisis, we often see people band together to help. Perhaps your business is in a position to donate essential goods; provide leading experts who can help solve problems on a local, national or even global level; or provide a network of support. These goodwill efforts can create a lasting impact.   

We will continue to reach out and provide helpful information and support as we navigate this evolving situation and the communications implications that it brings. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out at with questions, concerns or requests for help as we move forward together.